manifesto pela democracia

aproxima-se o final de mais um ciclo politico e o resultado embora ligeiramente melhor face aos precedentes continua insatisfatorio. o governo ps começou bem a legislatura ao estancar alguma da hemorragia provocada pelos seus antecessores governativos, mas tal como seria de esperar pelo padrao assumido…

by cris

democracy paradox

motivated by chinese researchers are outperforming americans in science and China has now eclipsed US in AI / deep-learning research, robotics and VC funding (government-backed $338 billion) china has the benefits of being a dictatorship (yes, it has some), namely their top-level rulers are able to rule without…

by cris

magic numbers of cognition

there's no way to ignore that alongside history people always felt some numbers to be somehow special. following that tradition the pythagorians were the first that history recorded as attributing numbers and their properties some magical powers to the point where they devised an whole…

by cris

schyzophrenia as manifold reality

schyzophrenia can be viewed as a multi-layer conception of reality by the mind. that's not saying much about schyzophrenia as a patologic symptom because everyone is capable of possess many conceptions of reality immersed on their minds, but on schyzophrenia patients this seems to reach…

by cris