psychology (4)

magic numbers of cognition

there's no way to ignore that alongside history people always felt some numbers to be somehow special. following that tradition the pythagorians were the first that history recorded as attributing numbers and their properties some magical powers to the point where they devised an whole…

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schyzophrenia as manifold reality

schyzophrenia can be viewed as a multi-layer conception of reality by the mind. that's not saying much about schyzophrenia as a patologic symptom because everyone is capable of possess many conceptions of reality immersed on their minds, but on schyzophrenia patients this seems to reach…

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mad genius complex

why do above average people seem more prone to depression than the rest? this has troubled many eminent practitioners on the field. personally i think this might relate to the fact that inteligent people are more introspection-like kind of persons and introspection is a double-sword…

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an evaluation of emdr

struggling in the last 20 years or so with severe emotional paralysis, a term coined by myself to denote the full extent of psychological impedance affecting my everyday endeavours - i set out to understand better the emdr cognitive tool said to reprocess the way the…

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